Acculab RSS-101
The standard RSS for testing of consumer products, appliances, and small industrial equipment.
A-Weighted PWL = 86.0 dB(A) re one Picowatt
Acculab RSS-400
The standard RSS for most HVAC testing applications in reverberation chambers.
A-Weighted PWL = 94 dB(A) re one picowatt
Acculab RSS-500
Low frequency RSS.
A-Weighted PWL = 86.0 dB(A) re one Picowatt
Acculab RSS-600
The highest power RSS designed to meet the severe needs of outdoor and large equipment.
A-Weighted PWL = 104 dB(A) re one picowatt
Acculab RSS-700
Special purpose RSS for very quiet measurements in a smaller radius microphone array.
A-Weighted PWL =65.0 dB(A) re one picowatt