G.R.A.S. Low Noise Microphone Systems


Low Noise Mic System DiagramG.R.A.S. low noise microphone systems are state of the art transducers for laboratory measurement of products with very low noise emissions and allow measurement at and below the threshold of human hearing.

  • 1” and 1/2” microphone systems
  • Externally polarized and signal conditioned
  • Noise floor from 0 dBA to 7 dBA
  • 1 V/Pa to 750 mV/Pa sensitivity
  • LEMO or BNC Outputs

GRAS 40HF 1″ Low-noise Microphone

GRAS 40HH 1/2″ Low-noise Microphone

GRAS 47HC 1/2″ CCP Low-noise Microphone


Low noise microphone systems from GRAS Sound and Vibration have the capability of making measurements of sound levels that are below the threshold of hearing and below the electical noise floor of the standard 50 mV/Pa measurement micrphones.  Using the GRAS low noise microphone systems noise floors from 5 dBA to less than 0 dBA can be achieved.

Request a Demo

Please contact VIacoustics for more information and an online demonstration of this product.

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