VIacoustics Impulsive Peak Insertion Loss Analyzer (IPILA) is a software tool designed for the management of time waveforms and the calculation of the Impulsive Peak Insertion Loss (IPIL) of a hearing protector in accordance ANSI S12.42-2010.
The IPILA software, working in conjunction with out Trident software, automates the data acquisition and analysis process associated with the IPIL rating for hearing protectors.
IPILA uses calibrated audio WAV files that are generated by our Trident data acquisition software. WAV files are analyzed for peak sound pressure level and A-duration. Both calibration and occluded waveform tools are provided. Color coded indicators test for compliance with standard requirements.
IPILA features include:
- Manual and automatic file retrieval, or export directly from Trident into IPILA
- Manages all time waveforms needed for IPIL rating per ANSI S12.42-2010
- Calculates and displays calibration transfer functions
- Calculates IPIL rating at three different peak sound pressure levels
- Exports data to MSExcel for post-process analysis and reporting
IPILA sells for $3,500.