Sound Quality Analyzer conducts Tonality Analysis on audio WAV files
Tonality (tu) – A measure of the fraction of perceived loudness due to tones, considering hearing threshold and psychoacoustics loudness levels. Results are expressed as an overall mean tonality (in %) and T(N) levels, which is the Tonality exceeded N% of the time within a time varying sound. SQA uses the Aures method of determination of Tonality.
HMS Tonality (tuHMS) – Based on the Hearing Model developed by Roland Sottek of Head Acoustics, this method estimates the overall strength of tones rather than their fractional loudness. The method addresses hearing threshold and psychoacoustic loudness levels and provides a high degree of time-resolution to measure transient and rapidly changing tonalities. This method also differs from the Prominence Ratio method through its basis in a detailed perception model rather than relative energy measurement.